Quality and experience in the education programs
Common Assessment Framework (CAF 2013)First: What is Total Quality Management?
• Focusing on meeting the needs and expectations of citizens/customers (citizen/customer satisfaction) and ensuring the quality of services and products.
• Increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the institution (organized performance).
• Continuous improvement using analytical tools, as well as working with the work teams system represented by all employees.
Second: What is self-assessment?
• It is a comprehensive quality management tool prepared by the public sector in Europe to be applied in various public institutions.
• It is a model inspired by the Excellence Model by the European Foundation for Quality Management.
• It is based on the fact that the best results can be achieved in the institutional performance of each of the citizens / customers, employees and the community through the strategy and plans pursued by leaders in managing people, partnerships and available resources, through a set of procedures.
Third: The emergence of (CAF)
• In view of the challenges faced by European public institutions, imposed by the change in society and the requirements to improve its level, the need for a comprehensive tool emerged to assist public administrations in their quest for continuous improvement, and through the network of European governmental institutions, which represent the focus of the meeting of public officials of the member states of the Union, whose experts were invited to form a team Renewal of public institutions and to prepare a guiding system to assist these institutions in their quest for continuous improvement and development through the adoption of the Total Quality Management (TQM) system.
Fourth: Evolution (CAF)
• The Common Self-Assessment Form (CAF) was issued during the First European Conference on Quality in Public Services in Lisbon, Portugal in May 2000.
• At the Second Quality Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark in 2002, the model was published after a revision for the first time.
• At the Fourth Quality Conference in 2006 in Finland, a version of the model was published, which was modified based on the feedback obtained from many users of the model.
• At the Fifth European Quality Conference September 2012, the version of (CAF 2013) was presented after modification in light of the reference feedback obtained from 400 users of (CAF) to become more coherent and better prepared to support public institutions to achieve benefits for all partnerships in general and citizens in particular And to lay the concept of working on user orientations, general performance, support for innovation, ethics, creating effective partnerships and supporting social responsibility.
Fifth: Objectives of (CAF)
• Providing a free, easy-to-use tool that helps public institutions apply total quality management techniques to improve institutional performance.
• Guiding public institutions towards the implementation of the Deming cycle (PDCA)
Act, Check, Do, Plan which means Plan-Do-Check-Respond in order to maintain continuity of improvement.
• Obtaining an accurate analysis and diagnosis of the performance of public institutions and a clear definition of improvement measures to be taken.
• Conducting the methodology of exchanging experiences between the various public institutions that have applied the self-evaluation model.
• Preparing public institutions towards a rational management methodology.
Sixth: Why is the CAF 2013 model to be applied in public institutions?
• Because it is a tool specifically designed to suit the requirements of public institutions and towards development and improvement, and to meet the needs of customers and employees.
• To contain its main and subsidiary standards on modern public administration systems, principles, objectives, approaches and indicators of governance.
• For his interest, focus, and ability to measure the effects that are the products and consequences of the policies followed for the actual procedures carried out by public institutions.
• Reliance on participation, partnership and consensus methodology among all intervening parties and stakeholders.
• To adopt the idea of gradualism and sustainability for continuous development.
• For his focus on results and achieving the best results.
• His contribution to building a culture of continuous improvement and integrating it into work systems and procedures.
• To present a methodology and an integrated work system that has the ability to analyze, evaluate, set priorities, propose solutions, and develop and implement continuous development and improvement plans through self-assessment teams.
• The possibility of applying (CAF) without the need for an external expert, as it relies in its philosophy on investing in human resources within each institution by qualifying it to enable it to apply (CAF 2013).
Seventh: A statement of the countries that have implemented the self-assessment (CAF 2013)
Eighth: Basic and Sub-Criteria for Self-Assessment (CAF 2013)
(a) Enablers Criteria:
Standard One: Leadership:
1/1 Developing the vision, mission and governing values, with the participation of employees and stakeholders, making sure to disseminate them and work on reviewing them.
1/2 Develop the organization's performance management systems and work on continuous improvement.
1/3 Motivating and supporting employees within the organization and acting as a role model for them, while encouraging a culture of mutual respect, participation and motivation.
1/4 Managing effective relationships with political authorities and partnerships with stakeholders through advanced analysis of them, identification of their needs, and maintaining communication with them in various fields (executive - procedural - legal).
Second Criterion: Strategy and Planning:
2/1 Gathering information on the current and future needs of stakeholders and overlapping parties, as well as on management related to the entity’s performance.
2/2 Developing strategies and planning, taking into account the collected data and translating it into objectives and procedures through the vision and mission, while ensuring the provision of resources for this, and also working on developing a social responsibility policy to be included in the strategy.
2/3 Announcing, publishing and communicating the strategy and implementing the plans, while working on reviewing them periodically and continuously.
2/4 Planning and implementation to support innovation and change thinking.
Third Criterion: Employees:
3/1 Plan, manage, develop and improve human resources in a transparent manner, taking into account the strategy, planning and analysis of human resource needs and ensuring the availability of capabilities to meet these needs.
3/2 Determining the competencies of employees, developing them and using them in light of the needs of the organization